It’s now officially 2025 as I write this, so Happy New Year to anyone reading this.
At present, I use a few writing platforms, Substack being one of them. I’m also on Medium and the blog my alter-ego Walski69 started, on which he writes in the third person—or at least used to, until a few weeks ago, when I decided to switch to the first person. Walski wasn’t entirely pleased, by the way. But hey, too bad.
On top of that, there’s the short-form writing I do on X, or Twitter, as some still prefer to call it. Finally, there’s also my business website.
Truth be told, I still can’t figure out why I created this Substack account. If Medium is about “writing about writing”, what should Substack be for? Should I maybe use it as a scratch-pad writing space for the stuff I do for the gallery, instead of drafting my thoughts and planning out on Word? Substack allows inclusion of not just images, but also audio and video, which perfectly fits the purpose of using it as a planning & brainstorming (in an I-againt-I fashion) platform for the gallery business-related postings and content creation.
Hmmm… Not a bad idea.
Then on Medium, I can write about my non-gallery writing, a different scratch-pad for a different purpose. Just so I can keep them separated. Because, as in the sage words of The Offspring, “you gotta keep ‘em separated” (referring, of course, to something completely different).
Okay, that’s resolved.
Which, I guess, brings us back to the title of this post.
Growing up, and throughout most of my adult life, with every new year came resolutions. This year, I will… bla, bla, bla… Some years back, I decided that my New Year’s resolution would be to not make any more resolutions. And that’s about the only resolution I’ve managed to keep.
That’s another thing resolved, in retrospect – the only way to not break New Year’s resolutions is to not make them in the first place.
By now you’ll have realized that this bit of writing has become pretty aimless. And you would be absolutely correct. But it’s aimless because since the time I started this back in 2023, I’ve not written much of anything here, which has made this account quite aimless.
Until today.
It’s now resolved – this account will now no longer be aimless from the next post onwards.
I hope…